// CHANNELS // CHAN_AUTO // Default, generic channel. // CHAN_WEAPON // Player and NPC weaponsfire. // CHAN_VOICE // Voiceover dialogue. // CHAN_VOICE2 // : Announcer dialogue // CHAN_ITEM // Generic physics impact sounds, health/suit chargers, 'use' sounds. // CHAN_BODY // Clothing, ragdoll impacts, footsteps, knocking/pounding/punching etc. // CHAN_STREAM // Sounds that can be delayed by an async load, i.e. aren't responses to particular events. // Confirm: This won't make the sound actually stream; use the * prefix for that. // CHAN_REPLACE // Used when playing sounds through console commands. // CHAN_STATIC // A constant/background sound that doesn't require any reaction. // CHAN_VOICE_BASE // Network voice data (online voice communications) // CHAN_USER_BASE+ // Custom channels can be defined here. // SOUNDLEVELS // SNDLVL_NONE = 0, // SNDLVL_25dB = 25, // SNDLVL_30dB = 30, // SNDLVL_35dB = 35, // SNDLVL_40dB = 40, // SNDLVL_45dB = 45, // SNDLVL_50dB = 50, // 3.9 // SNDLVL_55dB = 55, // 3.0 // SNDLVL_IDLE = 60, // 2.0 // SNDLVL_TALKING = 60, // 2.0 // SNDLVL_60dB = 60, // 2.0 // SNDLVL_65dB = 65, // 1.5 // SNDLVL_STATIC = 66, // 1.25 // SNDLVL_70dB = 70, // 1.0 // SNDLVL_NORM = 75, // SNDLVL_75dB = 75, // 0.8 // SNDLVL_80dB = 80, // 0.7 // SNDLVL_85dB = 85, // 0.6 // SNDLVL_90dB = 90, // 0.5 // SNDLVL_95dB = 95, // SNDLVL_100dB = 100, // 0.4 // SNDLVL_105dB = 105, // SNDLVL_120dB = 120, // SNDLVL_130dB = 130, // SNDLVL_GUNFIRE = 140, // 0.27 // SNDLVL_140dB = 140, // 0.2 // SNDLVL_150dB = 150, // 0.2 "VTplus.Silence" { "channel" "CHAN_AUTO" "volume" "1" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_NONE" "wave" "VTplus/silence.wav" } //**************************************************** Footsteps *****************************************************// "VTplus.SafeBoxOpen" { "channel" "CHAN_BODY" "volume" "1" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_IDLE" "wave" "Vtplus/safe_box_open.wav" } "NPC_Citizen.FootstepLeft" { "channel" "CHAN_BODY" "volume" "1" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_75dB" "pitch" "95,110" "rndwave" { "wave" "Vtplus/footsteps/footstep0.wav" "wave" "Vtplus/footsteps/footstep1.wav" "wave" "Vtplus/footsteps/footstep2.wav" "wave" "Vtplus/footsteps/footstep3.wav" "wave" "Vtplus/footsteps/footstep4.wav" } } "NPC_Citizen.FootstepRight" { "channel" "CHAN_BODY" "volume" "1" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_75dB" "pitch" "95,110" "rndwave" { "wave" "Vtplus/footsteps/footstep5.wav" "wave" "Vtplus/footsteps/footstep6.wav" "wave" "Vtplus/footsteps/footstep7.wav" "wave" "Vtplus/footsteps/footstep8.wav" "wave" "Vtplus/footsteps/footstep9.wav" } } //**************************************************** Switches *****************************************************// "VTplus.SwitchOn" { "channel" "CHAN_AUTO" "volume" "1" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_75dB" "wave" "VTplus/switch_on.wav" } "VTplus.SwitchOff" { "channel" "CHAN_AUTO" "volume" "1" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_75dB" "wave" "VTplus/switch_off.wav" } //***************************************************** Doors *******************************************************// "VTplus.DoorOpen" { "channel" "CHAN_AUTO" "volume" "1" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_75dB" "wave" "VTplus/door_open.wav" } "VTplus.DoorClose" { "channel" "CHAN_AUTO" "volume" "1" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_75dB" "wave" "VTplus/door_close.wav" } "VTplus.DoorOpenFail" { "channel" "CHAN_AUTO" "volume" "1" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_75dB" "wave" "VTplus/door_open_fail.wav" } "VTplus.CabinetDoorLocked" { "channel" "CHAN_AUTO" "volume" "1" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_50dB" "wave" "VTplus/cabinet_door_locked.wav" } //*************************************************** Physical *****************************************************// "VTplus.ChairSlide" { "channel" "CHAN_AUTO" "volume" "1" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_75dB" "pitch" "90, 115" "rndwave" { "wave" "Vtplus/furniture/chair_slide.wav" } }